Claris Smart Pack

Turnkey apps for unlimited problem solving.

Introducing a full collection of apps and education technology tools to help K-12 schools and libraries save time and resources on manual tasks.

With Claris Smart Pack, it’s easy to get started with turnkey templates, along with licensing for the entire Claris platform.

Ready-made apps do the heavy lifting.

Want to save time and gain productivity by eliminating repetitive, manual tasks? Then we have the time-saving solution for you.

Claris Smart Pack offers a portfolio of powerful pre-built apps designed exclusively for K-12 schools and libraries. Get started with templates for a variety of school needs – like device and asset management, inventory tracking, attendance, student transportation planning, and more.

  • Turnkey

    Each app is ready to use by you from the time it’s downloaded.

  • Scalable

    All apps are built on the Claris platform using Claris FileMaker low-code tools.

  • Expert development

    Apps have been created and licensed by third-party Claris Partners with education software expertise.

  • Flexibility

    Every app is customizable by the school or by working with the Claris Partner developer.

  • Secure

    SOC2 and ISO credentials ensure compliance with industry standards.

Claris Smart Pack includes
ECF Records Manager.

Looking for a solution to streamline compliance with the Federal Communications Commission’s Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) Program? Get acquainted with ECF Records Manager. With this app, you get a purpose-built, one-stop shop for automated, integrated record-keeping as mandated by the ECF Program.

ECF Records Manager, created by Claris Platinum Partner, iSolutions, helps schools and libraries:

Save countless hours of manual, error-prone data entry when tracking devices, users, service dates, documents, and more.

Consolidate and easily manage required information from multiple sources.

Leverage Claris Connect integrations with mobile device management technology, like Jamf Pro.

See app details

A portfolio of
powerful, pre-built apps.

Along with ECF Records Manager, Claris Smart Pack includes a portfolio of apps, developed by Claris Partners to automate other time-consuming, manual processes. Plus, as a Smart Pack customer, you’ll gain access to new apps as they’re released.

Unlock the advantages of
education technology.

When you purchase Claris Smart Pack, you also get a powerful platform that helps schools digitize processes, connect systems, and synchronize data – allowing more time dedicated to student success.

Claris Smart Pack includes licensing for the entire Claris platform, including Claris FileMaker and Claris Connect, to provide schools and libraries with even more problem-solving tools.

Claris FileMaker

When there’s no app for that, schools create them with Claris FileMaker, the low-code platform for innovators. You can use FileMaker to customize any of the Claris Smart Pack apps or build additional ed tech apps tailored to school needs.

Why Beverly Public Schools sees FileMaker as additional IT staff

Apps help with school challenges

Claris Connect

As an integration foundation, Claris Connect lets you connect apps, databases, services, and systems without code. Easily sync data between popular apps, such as QuickBooks, Slack, Mailchimp, DocuSign, Box, Dropbox, and more.

SIS integration with Claris Connect for Apple School Manager

How the Claris platform reduces administrative burden

Want to discuss digital transformation for your school district?

Claris offers powerful, innovative ed tech solutions – whether you’re looking for the best way to manage devices and data for the ECF Program, seeking how to easily automate manual processes, or wanting student information systems (SIS) integration.

Tell us about your school district, and we’ll be in touch with you shortly.

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