弊社ではシステム開発、インフラ構築、Web制作、研究の4部門があります。そのため、外注することが少なく、基本社内で一からオリジナルのシステム構築を行っております。 お見積もり依頼や相談から始まり、納品後のサポート、改修、今後の展開をどうしていくかなどお客様の傍で常に考えているため、お客様から継続的にご依頼を頂くことが多いです。Read more
Claris Platinum Partners are strategic partners that work closely with Claris teams in joint customer opportunities, offering multiple services and complete solutions.
Consultants provide the expertise you need to plan, create, and deploy a custom app.
Trainers draw on their extensive real-world experience and in-depth knowledge of the Claris platform to teach custom app development.
Resellers sell licenses of Claris software. They may have special offers, which combine software licenses with other services.
Hosting providers manage the hosting of your custom apps on your behalf.
Claris Connect
Partners with expertise related to workflow automation and integrations using Claris Connect.
Certified Developer
Certified partners have attained at least one certification offered through the Claris Academy.