Armont Business Solution (Armontsys) is a FileMaker developer located in San Pablo City, Laguna Philippines. We officially started doing Filemaker development in 2003. Since then our main focus is to develop custom based solution around FileMaker and the use of other technology stacks to extend FileMaker's capability and make it a more powerful and flexible platform for solving business challenges.
Our goal is to become one of the best FileMaker developers around. We have a strong desire to promote FileMaker in the Philippine local market. We believe in the potential of the FileMaker business to grow in this market due to the high rate of adoption of the iOS mobile devices among businesses, increase popularity of the Mac OS in the enterprise, and the multi-platform nature of FileMaker -- that helps businesses reduce the friction of adoption/migration to the Filemaker ecosystem.
Recently, one of the FileMaker solutions that we developed for the Philippine government has passed a strict accreditation test for the financial system component of the solution. This is a big achievement for our team in a way that we had proven that FileMaker given to capable hands can do a lot of complex business operation and can match the capability of a much well-known and established database solution built in Oracle, PostGre, SQL and etc. at fraction of the cost.
We are very committed and passionate about Filemaker and we would like our work and our products to speak for us.
- San Pablo City, PH
- English