WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.041 --> 00:00:02.293 We have here the 2 00:00:02.293 --> 00:00:09.342 email module that is collecting all the information being sent in. 3 00:00:09.342 --> 00:00:16.683 So we realize that this email has a PDF attachment 4 00:00:16.683 --> 00:00:19.394 that fits certain criteria. 5 00:00:19.394 --> 00:00:22.355 This PDF attachment is downloaded 6 00:00:22.355 --> 00:00:25.400 from the system, from the mailbox 7 00:00:25.400 --> 00:00:29.446 and is put into a container field 8 00:00:29.446 --> 00:00:35.910 and with that information we are going into 9 00:00:38.329 --> 00:00:41.291 one of the one of the bulk configurators 10 00:00:41.291 --> 00:00:44.502 depending on the email address that sent it 11 00:00:44.502 --> 00:00:51.051 and this email attachment then results in the PDF here, 12 00:00:51.051 --> 00:00:54.512 that PDF that describes the car 13 00:00:54.512 --> 00:00:59.559 or the offer the configuration that the customer wanted 14 00:00:59.559 --> 00:01:02.562 is split into separate lines. 15 00:01:02.562 --> 00:01:07.776 And those separate lines we represent here 16 00:01:07.776 --> 00:01:12.155 and they are scrollable, they are editable. 17 00:01:12.155 --> 00:01:19.454 We can now stay in formal mode or informal internal mode 18 00:01:19.454 --> 00:01:23.291 and give a rebate on a car. 19 00:01:23.291 --> 00:01:29.589 This car 251,000, I want to sell it for 249,000 20 00:01:29.589 --> 00:01:31.216 because I prefer that number. 21 00:01:31.216 --> 00:01:33.593 That's a rebate of 1%. 22 00:01:33.593 --> 00:01:38.890 And if I want to have that in English, I have it in English. 23 00:01:38.890 --> 00:01:43.394 With this setting now being complete here, 24 00:01:43.394 --> 00:01:46.898 I can collect the client's information 25 00:01:46.898 --> 00:01:50.026 and the client's information 26 00:01:50.026 --> 00:01:51.778 goes to the customer's information. 27 00:01:51.778 --> 00:01:55.865 And here the configuration can be rechecked. 28 00:01:55.865 --> 00:01:59.202 That's the PDF that was originally sent to us. 29 00:01:59.202 --> 00:02:04.457 And now, even if offer and contract are missing, 30 00:02:04.457 --> 00:02:07.335 I can generate the offer 31 00:02:07.335 --> 00:02:10.713 and the offers generated on the server. 32 00:02:10.713 --> 00:02:15.135 The file on the server is then put in that container field. 33 00:02:15.135 --> 00:02:19.139 That container field has a price calculation here. 34 00:02:19.139 --> 00:02:22.851 The price calculation can be checked with the customer, 35 00:02:22.851 --> 00:02:25.895 and if the customer confirms 36 00:02:25.895 --> 00:02:31.192 that he is going to accept it, I can make the contract. 37 00:02:31.192 --> 00:02:33.278 And the whole process 38 00:02:33.278 --> 00:02:40.118 if no data has to be changed now has generated my contract 39 00:02:40.118 --> 00:02:46.833 with all the clauses and legal information. 40 00:02:46.833 --> 00:02:49.627 This whole process now took me about 5 minutes 41 00:02:49.627 --> 00:02:54.257 from sending the email to printing out the contract 42 00:02:54.257 --> 00:02:56.634 if nothing needs to be changed. 43 00:02:57.343 --> 00:02:59.804 And of course the whole system 44 00:02:59.804 --> 00:03:02.682 is also available 45 00:03:02.682 --> 00:03:04.767 on the iPad. 46 00:03:04.767 --> 00:03:08.313 Let's go to the first one 47 00:03:08.313 --> 00:03:13.276 with the options and the customer and the documents. 48 00:03:13.276 --> 00:03:16.988 And I can have a look at the document here 49 00:03:16.988 --> 00:03:22.035 or if I want to 50 00:03:22.035 --> 00:03:26.039 view the whole document, it's a bit easier on the iPad. 51 00:03:26.039 --> 00:03:30.793 And I have the offer here 52 00:03:30.793 --> 00:03:37.717 and I can recreate the contract on the go because of course, again, 53 00:03:37.717 --> 00:03:41.763 it’s being done on the server and I don't need to print anything on the iPad. 54 00:03:41.763 --> 00:03:46.142 We don't have any information here for that. 55 00:03:46.142 --> 00:03:49.562 And I have the whole contract here again 56 00:03:49.562 --> 00:03:52.148 with all the clauses 57 00:03:52.148 --> 00:03:56.110 to confirm and the customer could even sign it right here.