WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:07.240 --> 00:00:15.430 align:start position:0% [Music] 00:00:15.430 --> 00:00:15.440 align:start position:0% 00:00:15.440 --> 00:00:16.950 align:start position:0% Claris<00:00:15.920> is<00:00:16.080> pleased<00:00:16.320> to<00:00:16.480> announce<00:00:16.800> the 00:00:16.950 --> 00:00:16.960 align:start position:0% Claris is pleased to announce the 00:00:16.960 --> 00:00:18.790 align:start position:0% Claris is pleased to announce the release<00:00:17.359> of<00:00:17.440> the<00:00:17.600> developer<00:00:18.160> preview<00:00:18.560> of 00:00:18.790 --> 00:00:18.800 align:start position:0% release of the developer preview of 00:00:18.800 --> 00:00:21.590 align:start position:0% release of the developer preview of Claris<00:00:19.359> Studio<00:00:20.160> which<00:00:20.400> is<00:00:20.560> the<00:00:20.720> future<00:00:21.359> of<00:00:21.439> the 00:00:21.590 --> 00:00:21.600 align:start position:0% Claris Studio which is the future of the 00:00:21.600 --> 00:00:24.470 align:start position:0% Claris Studio which is the future of the Claris<00:00:22.160> platform<00:00:22.960> and<00:00:23.199> built<00:00:23.600> leveraging<00:00:24.160> the 00:00:24.470 --> 00:00:24.480 align:start position:0% Claris platform and built leveraging the 00:00:24.480 --> 00:00:27.349 align:start position:0% Claris platform and built leveraging the latest<00:00:25.039> web<00:00:25.359> technology 00:00:27.349 --> 00:00:27.359 align:start position:0% latest web technology 00:00:27.359 --> 00:00:29.269 align:start position:0% latest web technology this<00:00:27.599> initial<00:00:28.000> release<00:00:28.480> that's<00:00:28.800> available 00:00:29.269 --> 00:00:29.279 align:start position:0% this initial release that's available 00:00:29.279 --> 00:00:32.549 align:start position:0% this initial release that's available now<00:00:29.920> lets<00:00:30.160> you<00:00:30.320> create<00:00:30.720> responsive<00:00:31.519> web<00:00:31.840> forms 00:00:32.549 --> 00:00:32.559 align:start position:0% now lets you create responsive web forms 00:00:32.559 --> 00:00:35.430 align:start position:0% now lets you create responsive web forms where<00:00:32.800> you<00:00:32.960> can<00:00:33.120> collect<00:00:33.680> data<00:00:34.239> from<00:00:34.559> external 00:00:35.430 --> 00:00:35.440 align:start position:0% where you can collect data from external 00:00:35.440 --> 00:00:38.549 align:start position:0% where you can collect data from external sources 00:00:38.549 --> 00:00:38.559 align:start position:0% 00:00:38.559 --> 00:00:40.310 align:start position:0% during<00:00:38.879> this<00:00:39.040> video<00:00:39.520> i<00:00:39.600> will<00:00:39.760> show<00:00:39.920> you<00:00:40.079> how<00:00:40.239> to 00:00:40.310 --> 00:00:40.320 align:start position:0% during this video i will show you how to 00:00:40.320 --> 00:00:42.470 align:start position:0% during this video i will show you how to use<00:00:40.559> Claris<00:00:40.960> Studio<00:00:41.440> and<00:00:41.520> create<00:00:41.840> a<00:00:42.000> way<00:00:42.239> for 00:00:42.470 --> 00:00:42.480 align:start position:0% use Claris Studio and create a way for 00:00:42.480 --> 00:00:44.470 align:start position:0% use Claris Studio and create a way for others<00:00:42.719> to<00:00:42.879> sign<00:00:43.200> up<00:00:43.360> for<00:00:43.520> an<00:00:43.680> upcoming<00:00:44.160> event 00:00:44.470 --> 00:00:44.480 align:start position:0% others to sign up for an upcoming event 00:00:44.480 --> 00:00:47.750 align:start position:0% others to sign up for an upcoming event using<00:00:44.879> a<00:00:45.039> public-facing<00:00:45.920> web<00:00:46.160> page 00:00:47.750 --> 00:00:47.760 align:start position:0% using a public-facing web page 00:00:47.760 --> 00:00:49.750 align:start position:0% using a public-facing web page people<00:00:48.000> can<00:00:48.239> sign<00:00:48.480> up<00:00:48.559> for<00:00:48.719> this<00:00:48.879> event 00:00:49.750 --> 00:00:49.760 align:start position:0% people can sign up for this event 00:00:49.760 --> 00:00:52.389 align:start position:0% people can sign up for this event enter<00:00:50.000> their<00:00:50.239> contact<00:00:50.800> information<00:00:51.760> and<00:00:52.000> feed 00:00:52.389 --> 00:00:52.399 align:start position:0% enter their contact information and feed 00:00:52.399 --> 00:00:54.470 align:start position:0% enter their contact information and feed that<00:00:52.640> data<00:00:53.039> into<00:00:53.360> an<00:00:53.520> existing<00:00:54.000> Claris 00:00:54.470 --> 00:00:54.480 align:start position:0% that data into an existing Claris 00:00:54.480 --> 00:00:57.029 align:start position:0% that data into an existing Claris FileMaker<00:00:55.039> custom<00:00:55.520> app 00:00:57.029 --> 00:00:57.039 align:start position:0% FileMaker custom app 00:00:57.039 --> 00:00:58.470 align:start position:0% FileMaker custom app all<00:00:57.199> of<00:00:57.280> this<00:00:57.440> could<00:00:57.600> be<00:00:57.680> done<00:00:57.920> in<00:00:58.000> FileMaker 00:00:58.470 --> 00:00:58.480 align:start position:0% all of this could be done in FileMaker 00:00:58.480 --> 00:00:59.510 align:start position:0% all of this could be done in FileMaker Pro 00:00:59.510 --> 00:00:59.520 align:start position:0% Pro 00:00:59.520 --> 00:01:01.510 align:start position:0% Pro but<00:00:59.680> it<00:00:59.760> would<00:00:59.920> be<00:01:00.079> challenging 00:01:01.510 --> 00:01:01.520 align:start position:0% but it would be challenging 00:01:01.520 --> 00:01:04.549 align:start position:0% but it would be challenging but<00:01:01.760> that's<00:01:02.079> behind<00:01:02.480> us<00:01:02.640> now<00:01:03.440> and<00:01:03.840> setup<00:01:04.239> is<00:01:04.400> a 00:01:04.549 --> 00:01:04.559 align:start position:0% but that's behind us now and setup is a 00:01:04.559 --> 00:01:07.350 align:start position:0% but that's behind us now and setup is a breeze<00:01:05.040> using<00:01:05.360> Claris<00:01:05.760> Studio 00:01:07.350 --> 00:01:07.360 align:start position:0% breeze using Claris Studio 00:01:07.360 --> 00:01:09.510 align:start position:0% breeze using Claris Studio let's<00:01:07.600> get<00:01:07.840> started<00:01:08.479> and<00:01:08.640> i'll<00:01:08.880> show<00:01:09.040> you<00:01:09.200> how 00:01:09.510 --> 00:01:09.520 align:start position:0% let's get started and i'll show you how 00:01:09.520 --> 00:01:13.350 align:start position:0% let's get started and i'll show you how easy<00:01:09.840> it<00:01:10.000> is 00:01:13.350 --> 00:01:13.360 align:start position:0% 00:01:13.360 --> 00:01:15.910 align:start position:0% first<00:01:14.000> i<00:01:14.159> need<00:01:14.320> to<00:01:14.479> log<00:01:14.720> into<00:01:14.960> Claris<00:01:15.439> Studio 00:01:15.910 --> 00:01:15.920 align:start position:0% first i need to log into Claris Studio 00:01:15.920 --> 00:01:18.390 align:start position:0% first i need to log into Claris Studio using<00:01:16.159> my<00:01:16.400> Claris<00:01:16.880> Studio<00:01:17.439> ID 00:01:18.390 --> 00:01:18.400 align:start position:0% using my Claris Studio ID 00:01:18.400 --> 00:01:20.950 align:start position:0% using my Claris Studio ID then<00:01:18.720> i<00:01:18.880> presented<00:01:19.360> with<00:01:19.600> the<00:01:19.759> Claris<00:01:20.320> Studio 00:01:20.950 --> 00:01:20.960 align:start position:0% then i presented with the Claris Studio 00:01:20.960 --> 00:01:23.190 align:start position:0% then i presented with the Claris Studio Console<00:01:21.840> as<00:01:22.000> you<00:01:22.080> can<00:01:22.320> see 00:01:23.190 --> 00:01:23.200 align:start position:0% Console as you can see 00:01:23.200 --> 00:01:25.109 align:start position:0% Console as you can see i'm<00:01:23.439> a<00:01:23.600> team<00:01:23.840> manager 00:01:25.109 --> 00:01:25.119 align:start position:0% i'm a team manager 00:01:25.119 --> 00:01:27.109 align:start position:0% i'm a team manager this<00:01:25.360> means<00:01:25.600> i<00:01:25.759> can<00:01:25.920> manage<00:01:26.320> the<00:01:26.479> other<00:01:26.720> users 00:01:27.109 --> 00:01:27.119 align:start position:0% this means i can manage the other users 00:01:27.119 --> 00:01:29.030 align:start position:0% this means i can manage the other users in<00:01:27.200> the<00:01:27.360> company<00:01:28.159> such<00:01:28.400> as<00:01:28.560> adding<00:01:28.960> or 00:01:29.030 --> 00:01:29.040 align:start position:0% in the company such as adding or 00:01:29.040 --> 00:01:31.590 align:start position:0% in the company such as adding or removing<00:01:29.520> team<00:01:29.759> members<00:01:30.479> or<00:01:31.040> changing<00:01:31.520> the 00:01:31.590 --> 00:01:31.600 align:start position:0% removing team members or changing the 00:01:31.600 --> 00:01:34.469 align:start position:0% removing team members or changing the roles<00:01:31.920> of<00:01:32.079> existing<00:01:32.560> members 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create forms or<00:01:41.280> maybe<00:01:42.079> i<00:01:42.320> need<00:01:42.479> to<00:01:42.720> create<00:01:43.200> team<00:01:43.439> members 00:01:44.230 --> 00:01:44.240 align:start position:0% or maybe i need to create team members 00:01:44.240 --> 00:01:47.109 align:start position:0% or maybe i need to create team members so<00:01:44.399> that<00:01:44.560> they<00:01:44.720> can<00:01:44.880> log<00:01:45.119> into<00:01:45.280> Claris<00:01:45.759> pro 00:01:47.109 --> 00:01:47.119 align:start position:0% so that they can log into Claris Pro 00:01:47.119 --> 00:01:49.749 align:start position:0% so that they can log into Claris Pro both<00:01:47.439> of<00:01:47.520> these<00:01:47.920> are<00:01:48.159> valid<00:01:48.640> tasks<00:01:49.119> for<00:01:49.360> a<00:01:49.520> team 00:01:49.749 --> 00:01:49.759 align:start position:0% both of these are valid tasks for a team 00:01:49.759 --> 00:01:51.109 align:start position:0% both of these are valid tasks for a team manager 00:01:51.109 --> 00:01:51.119 align:start position:0% manager 00:01:51.119 --> 00:01:53.510 align:start position:0% manager once<00:01:51.439> logged<00:01:51.759> in<00:01:52.240> i<00:01:52.399> can<00:01:52.640> start<00:01:52.880> to<00:01:53.040> create<00:01:53.360> a 00:01:53.510 --> 00:01:53.520 align:start position:0% once logged in i can start to create a 00:01:53.520 --> 00:01:54.950 align:start position:0% once logged in i can start to create a form 00:01:54.950 --> 00:01:54.960 align:start position:0% form 00:01:54.960 --> 00:01:57.429 align:start position:0% form by<00:01:55.200> selecting<00:01:55.600> the<00:01:55.759> forms<00:01:56.240> tab<00:01:56.960> all<00:01:57.200> of<00:01:57.280> the 00:01:57.429 --> 00:01:57.439 align:start position:0% by selecting the forms tab all of the 00:01:57.439 --> 00:01:59.830 align:start position:0% by selecting the forms tab all of the forms<00:01:57.759> are<00:01:57.840> displayed<00:01:58.880> these<00:01:59.119> are<00:01:59.200> the<00:01:59.360> forms 00:01:59.830 --> 00:01:59.840 align:start position:0% forms are displayed these are the forms 00:01:59.840 --> 00:02:01.830 align:start position:0% forms are displayed these are the forms other<00:02:00.079> team<00:02:00.320> managers<00:02:00.880> and<00:02:01.040> i<00:02:01.200> have<00:02:01.439> created 00:02:01.830 --> 00:02:01.840 align:start position:0% other team managers and i have created 00:02:01.840 --> 00:02:04.469 align:start position:0% other team managers and i have created already<00:02:02.399> i<00:02:02.560> can<00:02:02.719> either<00:02:03.040> select<00:02:03.439> a<00:02:03.600> form<00:02:04.240> and 00:02:04.469 --> 00:02:04.479 align:start position:0% already i can either select a form and 00:02:04.479 --> 00:02:07.030 align:start position:0% already i can either select a form and modify<00:02:05.040> it<00:02:05.600> or<00:02:06.079> there's<00:02:06.399> a<00:02:06.479> button<00:02:06.719> to<00:02:06.880> create 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Studio<00:02:14.319> creates<00:02:14.640> a<00:02:14.720> registration<00:02:15.599> and 00:02:15.750 --> 00:02:15.760 align:start position:0% Claris Studio creates a registration and 00:02:15.760 --> 00:02:19.190 align:start position:0% Claris Studio creates a registration and confirmation<00:02:16.480> page<00:02:16.800> for<00:02:16.959> me<00:02:17.360> automatically 00:02:19.190 --> 00:02:19.200 align:start position:0% confirmation page for me automatically 00:02:19.200 --> 00:02:20.869 align:start position:0% confirmation page for me automatically in<00:02:19.360> the<00:02:19.520> future 00:02:20.869 --> 00:02:20.879 align:start position:0% in the future 00:02:20.879 --> 00:02:23.510 align:start position:0% in the future when<00:02:21.360> officially<00:02:21.920> released<00:02:22.720> Claris<00:02:23.120> Studio 00:02:23.510 --> 00:02:23.520 align:start position:0% when officially released Claris Studio 00:02:23.520 --> 00:02:25.350 align:start position:0% when officially released Claris Studio will<00:02:23.760> ship<00:02:23.920> with<00:02:24.160> different<00:02:24.560> form<00:02:24.879> templates 00:02:25.350 --> 00:02:25.360 align:start position:0% will ship with different form templates 00:02:25.360 --> 00:02:28.309 align:start position:0% will ship with different form templates for<00:02:25.520> you<00:02:25.840> to<00:02:26.000> choose<00:02:26.239> from<00:02:27.040> but<00:02:27.200> for<00:02:27.360> now<00:02:28.080> it 00:02:28.309 --> 00:02:28.319 align:start position:0% for you to choose from but for now it 00:02:28.319 --> 00:02:30.710 align:start position:0% for you to choose from but for now it defaults<00:02:28.800> to<00:02:28.959> creating<00:02:29.360> pages<00:02:29.840> commonly<00:02:30.400> used 00:02:30.710 --> 00:02:30.720 align:start position:0% defaults to creating pages commonly used 00:02:30.720 --> 00:02:32.949 align:start position:0% defaults to creating pages commonly used for<00:02:30.879> events 00:02:32.949 --> 00:02:32.959 align:start position:0% for events 00:02:32.959 --> 00:02:35.190 align:start position:0% for events to<00:02:33.120> create<00:02:33.440> additional<00:02:33.840> pages<00:02:34.800> click<00:02:35.040> the 00:02:35.190 --> 00:02:35.200 align:start position:0% to create additional pages click the 00:02:35.200 --> 00:02:36.710 align:start position:0% to create additional pages click the plus<00:02:35.519> button 00:02:36.710 --> 00:02:36.720 align:start position:0% plus button 00:02:36.720 --> 00:02:39.030 align:start position:0% plus button as<00:02:36.959> you<00:02:37.040> can<00:02:37.280> see<00:02:38.000> Claris<00:02:38.480> Studio 00:02:39.030 --> 00:02:39.040 align:start position:0% as you can see Claris Studio 00:02:39.040 --> 00:02:41.350 align:start position:0% as you can see Claris Studio automatically<00:02:39.840> adds<00:02:40.239> previous<00:02:40.879> and<00:02:41.040> next 00:02:41.350 --> 00:02:41.360 align:start position:0% automatically adds previous and next 00:02:41.360 --> 00:02:43.990 align:start position:0% automatically adds previous and next buttons<00:02:41.680> to<00:02:41.840> help<00:02:42.160> users<00:02:42.560> navigate<00:02:43.040> the<00:02:43.200> forms 00:02:43.990 --> 00:02:44.000 align:start position:0% buttons to help users navigate the forms 00:02:44.000 --> 00:02:46.630 align:start position:0% buttons to help users navigate the forms when<00:02:44.160> i<00:02:44.319> add<00:02:44.560> more<00:02:44.879> pages<00:02:45.760> and<00:02:45.920> it's<00:02:46.160> easy<00:02:46.480> to 00:02:46.630 --> 00:02:46.640 align:start position:0% when i add more pages and it's easy to 00:02:46.640 --> 00:02:48.470 align:start position:0% when i add more pages and it's easy to rename<00:02:47.040> a<00:02:47.120> form<00:02:47.360> by<00:02:47.599> clicking<00:02:47.920> on<00:02:48.000> the<00:02:48.080> form's 00:02:48.470 --> 00:02:48.480 align:start position:0% rename a form by clicking on the form's 00:02:48.480 --> 00:02:50.790 align:start position:0% rename a form by clicking on the form's name<00:02:49.200> and<00:02:49.440> keying<00:02:49.840> in<00:02:50.080> whatever<00:02:50.400> you<00:02:50.480> want<00:02:50.720> to 00:02:50.790 --> 00:02:50.800 align:start position:0% name and keying in whatever you want to 00:02:50.800 --> 00:02:53.350 align:start position:0% name and keying in whatever you want to call<00:02:51.040> it<00:02:51.680> at<00:02:51.840> my<00:02:52.000> event<00:02:52.720> everyone's<00:02:53.200> going<00:02:53.280> to 00:02:53.350 --> 00:02:53.360 align:start position:0% call it at my event everyone's going to 00:02:53.360 --> 00:02:55.110 align:start position:0% call it at my event everyone's going to receive<00:02:53.680> a<00:02:53.760> cool<00:02:54.000> t-shirt 00:02:55.110 --> 00:02:55.120 align:start position:0% receive a cool t-shirt 00:02:55.120 --> 00:02:57.030 align:start position:0% receive a cool t-shirt because<00:02:55.680> after<00:02:56.000> all 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00:03:05.920 align:start position:0% and i'm going to give this form a new 00:03:05.920 --> 00:03:06.869 align:start position:0% and i'm going to give this form a new name 00:03:06.869 --> 00:03:06.879 align:start position:0% name 00:03:06.879 --> 00:03:08.229 align:start position:0% name something<00:03:07.280> like 00:03:08.229 --> 00:03:08.239 align:start position:0% something like 00:03:08.239 --> 00:03:10.550 align:start position:0% something like amazing<00:03:08.720> t-shirts 00:03:10.550 --> 00:03:10.560 align:start position:0% amazing t-shirts 00:03:10.560 --> 00:03:11.430 align:start position:0% amazing t-shirts ok 00:03:11.430 --> 00:03:11.440 align:start position:0% ok 00:03:11.440 --> 00:03:13.430 align:start position:0% ok with<00:03:11.680> this<00:03:11.920> form<00:03:12.239> renamed 00:03:13.430 --> 00:03:13.440 align:start position:0% with this form renamed 00:03:13.440 --> 00:03:16.070 align:start position:0% with this form renamed i<00:03:13.599> will<00:03:13.760> move<00:03:14.080> on<00:03:14.480> and<00:03:14.640> customize<00:03:15.280> them<00:03:15.920> i'm 00:03:16.070 --> 00:03:16.080 align:start position:0% i will move on and customize them i'm 00:03:16.080 --> 00:03:17.509 align:start position:0% i will move on and customize them i'm going<00:03:16.239> to<00:03:16.319> start<00:03:16.640> by<00:03:16.879> modifying<00:03:17.360> the 00:03:17.509 --> 00:03:17.519 align:start position:0% going to start by modifying the 00:03:17.519 --> 00:03:19.750 align:start position:0% going to start by modifying the registration<00:03:18.239> page 00:03:19.750 --> 00:03:19.760 align:start position:0% registration page 00:03:19.760 --> 00:03:22.390 align:start position:0% registration page Claris<00:03:20.159> Studio<00:03:20.640> has<00:03:20.879> already<00:03:21.440> pre-populated 00:03:22.390 --> 00:03:22.400 align:start position:0% Claris Studio has already pre-populated 00:03:22.400 --> 00:03:24.229 align:start position:0% Claris Studio has already pre-populated this<00:03:22.560> form<00:03:22.800> with<00:03:23.040> appropriate<00:03:23.680> fields<00:03:24.000> and 00:03:24.229 --> 00:03:24.239 align:start position:0% this form with appropriate fields and 00:03:24.239 --> 00:03:26.229 align:start position:0% this form with appropriate fields and objects<00:03:24.640> for<00:03:24.799> event<00:03:25.120> management 00:03:26.229 --> 00:03:26.239 align:start position:0% objects for event management 00:03:26.239 --> 00:03:30.470 align:start position:0% objects for event management but<00:03:26.959> i<00:03:27.120> can<00:03:27.360> customize<00:03:27.840> this<00:03:28.080> form<00:03:28.480> even<00:03:28.799> more 00:03:30.470 --> 00:03:30.480 align:start position:0% but i can customize this form even more 00:03:30.480 --> 00:03:33.270 align:start position:0% but i can customize this form even more to<00:03:30.640> customize<00:03:31.120> an<00:03:31.280> object<00:03:31.599> in<00:03:31.760> Claris<00:03:32.159> Studio 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--> 00:03:43.350 align:start position:0% starting with the header i can allow it to<00:03:40.640> stay<00:03:40.959> in<00:03:41.040> place<00:03:41.440> as<00:03:41.599> i<00:03:41.760> scroll<00:03:42.080> the<00:03:42.239> page 00:03:43.350 --> 00:03:43.360 align:start position:0% to stay in place as i scroll the page 00:03:43.360 --> 00:03:45.509 align:start position:0% to stay in place as i scroll the page and<00:03:43.519> the<00:03:43.680> header<00:03:44.080> opacity<00:03:44.799> and<00:03:44.959> color<00:03:45.280> can 00:03:45.509 --> 00:03:45.519 align:start position:0% and the header opacity and color can 00:03:45.519 --> 00:03:47.350 align:start position:0% and the header opacity and color can also<00:03:45.920> change 00:03:47.350 --> 00:03:47.360 align:start position:0% also change 00:03:47.360 --> 00:03:49.030 align:start position:0% also change notice<00:03:47.680> that<00:03:47.840> when<00:03:48.080> i<00:03:48.239> change<00:03:48.480> the<00:03:48.640> color<00:03:48.959> of 00:03:49.030 --> 00:03:49.040 align:start position:0% notice that when i change the color of 00:03:49.040 --> 00:03:50.229 align:start position:0% notice that when i change the color of the<00:03:49.200> header 00:03:50.229 --> 00:03:50.239 align:start position:0% the header 00:03:50.239 --> 00:03:52.470 align:start position:0% the header Claris<00:03:50.720> Studio<00:03:51.200> also<00:03:51.519> changes<00:03:51.920> the<00:03:52.080> color<00:03:52.400> of 00:03:52.470 --> 00:03:52.480 align:start position:0% Claris Studio also changes the color of 00:03:52.480 --> 00:03:54.070 align:start position:0% Claris Studio also changes the color of the<00:03:52.640> navigation<00:03:53.280> buttons<00:03:53.680> that<00:03:53.840> were 00:03:54.070 --> 00:03:54.080 align:start position:0% the navigation buttons that were 00:03:54.080 --> 00:03:56.470 align:start position:0% the navigation buttons that were automatically<00:03:54.720> created 00:03:56.470 --> 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position:0% and there's<00:04:04.239> the<00:04:04.480> option<00:04:04.799> to<00:04:04.959> add<00:04:05.200> a<00:04:05.280> logo<00:04:05.840> and<00:04:06.080> i 00:04:06.149 --> 00:04:06.159 align:start position:0% there's the option to add a logo and i 00:04:06.159 --> 00:04:08.149 align:start position:0% there's the option to add a logo and i can<00:04:06.400> configure<00:04:06.879> whether<00:04:07.360> certain<00:04:07.760> text 00:04:08.149 --> 00:04:08.159 align:start position:0% can configure whether certain text 00:04:08.159 --> 00:04:10.390 align:start position:0% can configure whether certain text blocks<00:04:08.799> show<00:04:09.040> up<00:04:09.200> or<00:04:09.280> not<00:04:09.840> the<00:04:10.000> header<00:04:10.319> is 00:04:10.390 --> 00:04:10.400 align:start position:0% blocks show up or not the header is 00:04:10.400 --> 00:04:12.710 align:start position:0% blocks show up or not the header is looking<00:04:10.720> good<00:04:11.439> so<00:04:11.599> i'll<00:04:11.840> add<00:04:12.159> and<00:04:12.239> configure 00:04:12.710 --> 00:04:12.720 align:start position:0% looking good so i'll add and configure 00:04:12.720 --> 00:04:14.710 align:start position:0% looking good so i'll add and configure the<00:04:12.879> fields<00:04:13.519> that<00:04:13.680> will<00:04:13.840> display<00:04:14.480> on<00:04:14.560> my 00:04:14.710 --> 00:04:14.720 align:start position:0% the fields that will display on my 00:04:14.720 --> 00:04:16.390 align:start position:0% the fields that will display on my registration<00:04:15.519> form 00:04:16.390 --> 00:04:16.400 align:start position:0% registration form 00:04:16.400 --> 00:04:19.270 align:start position:0% registration form in<00:04:16.639> Claris<00:04:17.040> Studio<00:04:17.680> it's<00:04:18.000> easy<00:04:18.479> to<00:04:18.639> add<00:04:18.959> more 00:04:19.270 --> 00:04:19.280 align:start position:0% in Claris Studio it's easy to add more 00:04:19.280 --> 00:04:21.749 align:start position:0% in Claris Studio it's easy to add more fields<00:04:19.600> to<00:04:19.759> a<00:04:19.840> form<00:04:20.160> by<00:04:20.400> using<00:04:20.720> the<00:04:20.880> add<00:04:21.280> object 00:04:21.749 --> 00:04:21.759 align:start position:0% fields to a form by using the add object 00:04:21.759 --> 00:04:23.590 align:start position:0% fields to a form by using the add object button 00:04:23.590 --> 00:04:23.600 align:start position:0% button 00:04:23.600 --> 00:04:25.670 align:start position:0% button i<00:04:23.680> want<00:04:23.840> to<00:04:24.000> capture<00:04:24.479> additional<00:04:25.040> information 00:04:25.670 --> 00:04:25.680 align:start position:0% i want to capture additional information 00:04:25.680 --> 00:04:27.670 align:start position:0% i want to capture additional information from<00:04:25.919> people<00:04:26.400> registering<00:04:26.960> for<00:04:27.120> my<00:04:27.280> upcoming 00:04:27.670 --> 00:04:27.680 align:start position:0% from people registering for my upcoming 00:04:27.680 --> 00:04:29.189 align:start position:0% from people registering for my upcoming event 00:04:29.189 --> 00:04:29.199 align:start position:0% event 00:04:29.199 --> 00:04:30.950 align:start position:0% event the<00:04:29.360> attendees<00:04:29.919> phone<00:04:30.080> number<00:04:30.400> seems<00:04:30.720> like<00:04:30.880> a 00:04:30.950 --> 00:04:30.960 align:start position:0% the attendees phone number seems like a 00:04:30.960 --> 00:04:32.469 align:start position:0% the attendees phone number seems like a good<00:04:31.120> piece<00:04:31.360> of<00:04:31.520> information<00:04:32.000> to<00:04:32.080> have<00:04:32.320> on 00:04:32.469 --> 00:04:32.479 align:start position:0% good piece of information to have on 00:04:32.479 --> 00:04:34.870 align:start position:0% good piece of information to have on hand<00:04:33.199> so<00:04:33.440> let's<00:04:33.680> click<00:04:34.000> and<00:04:34.160> drag<00:04:34.479> the<00:04:34.639> new 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and<00:04:41.840> resizes<00:04:42.479> them 00:04:42.710 --> 00:04:42.720 align:start position:0% objects out of the way and resizes them 00:04:42.720 --> 00:04:44.710 align:start position:0% objects out of the way and resizes them appropriately<00:04:43.440> to<00:04:43.600> make<00:04:43.840> room<00:04:44.080> for<00:04:44.240> my<00:04:44.479> new 00:04:44.710 --> 00:04:44.720 align:start position:0% appropriately to make room for my new 00:04:44.720 --> 00:04:46.870 align:start position:0% appropriately to make room for my new form<00:04:45.040> field<00:04:45.680> now<00:04:45.840> since<00:04:46.080> my<00:04:46.240> event<00:04:46.560> has 00:04:46.870 --> 00:04:46.880 align:start position:0% form field now since my event has 00:04:46.880 --> 00:04:48.469 align:start position:0% form field now since my event has multiple<00:04:47.360> sessions 00:04:48.469 --> 00:04:48.479 align:start position:0% multiple sessions 00:04:48.479 --> 00:04:50.550 align:start position:0% multiple sessions adding<00:04:48.800> a<00:04:48.960> drop<00:04:49.280> down<00:04:49.600> list<00:04:49.919> to<00:04:50.080> the<00:04:50.240> form 00:04:50.550 --> 00:04:50.560 align:start position:0% adding a drop down list to the form 00:04:50.560 --> 00:04:52.790 align:start position:0% adding a drop down list to the form field<00:04:51.040> lets<00:04:51.440> everyone<00:04:51.919> select<00:04:52.320> the<00:04:52.479> session 00:04:52.790 --> 00:04:52.800 align:start position:0% field lets everyone select the session 00:04:52.800 --> 00:04:55.030 align:start position:0% field lets everyone select the session they<00:04:53.040> want<00:04:53.280> to<00:04:53.440> attend 00:04:55.030 --> 00:04:55.040 align:start position:0% they want to attend 00:04:55.040 --> 00:04:56.950 align:start position:0% they want to attend not<00:04:55.280> only<00:04:55.440> can<00:04:55.600> i<00:04:55.759> customize<00:04:56.320> the<00:04:56.479> label<00:04:56.800> for 00:04:56.950 --> 00:04:56.960 align:start position:0% not only can i customize the label for 00:04:56.960 --> 00:04:58.310 align:start position:0% not only can i customize the label for this<00:04:57.199> object 00:04:58.310 --> 00:04:58.320 align:start position:0% this object 00:04:58.320 --> 00:05:00.230 align:start position:0% this object but<00:04:58.479> in<00:04:58.639> the<00:04:58.720> case<00:04:58.960> of<00:04:59.120> a<00:04:59.199> drop-down<00:04:59.680> list<00:05:00.080> i 00:05:00.230 --> 00:05:00.240 align:start position:0% but in the case of a drop-down list i 00:05:00.240 --> 00:05:03.029 align:start position:0% but in the case of a drop-down list i can<00:05:00.479> quickly<00:05:00.960> add<00:05:01.440> and<00:05:01.680> edit<00:05:02.240> the<00:05:02.479> displayed 00:05:03.029 --> 00:05:03.039 align:start position:0% can quickly add and edit the displayed 00:05:03.039 --> 00:05:06.390 align:start position:0% can quickly add and edit the displayed values 00:05:06.390 --> 00:05:06.400 align:start position:0% 00:05:06.400 --> 00:05:08.469 align:start position:0% i<00:05:06.560> can<00:05:06.800> also<00:05:07.039> configure<00:05:07.600> my<00:05:07.759> forms<00:05:08.080> to<00:05:08.240> make 00:05:08.469 --> 00:05:08.479 align:start position:0% i can also configure my forms to make 00:05:08.479 --> 00:05:10.790 align:start position:0% i can also configure my forms to make some<00:05:08.720> fields<00:05:09.120> required<00:05:10.000> by<00:05:10.240> clicking<00:05:10.639> the 00:05:10.790 --> 00:05:10.800 align:start position:0% some fields required by clicking the 00:05:10.800 --> 00:05:12.790 align:start position:0% some fields required by clicking the corresponding<00:05:11.520> settings<00:05:11.919> icon<00:05:12.320> and<00:05:12.479> checking 00:05:12.790 --> 00:05:12.800 align:start position:0% corresponding settings icon and checking 00:05:12.800 --> 00:05:15.430 align:start position:0% corresponding settings icon and checking the<00:05:12.960> required<00:05:13.600> box 00:05:15.430 --> 00:05:15.440 align:start position:0% the required box 00:05:15.440 --> 00:05:16.950 align:start position:0% the required box if<00:05:15.600> all<00:05:15.759> the<00:05:15.840> fields<00:05:16.160> are<00:05:16.240> required<00:05:16.639> for<00:05:16.800> a 00:05:16.950 --> 00:05:16.960 align:start position:0% if all the fields are required for a 00:05:16.960 --> 00:05:17.830 align:start position:0% if all the fields are required for a form 00:05:17.830 --> 00:05:17.840 align:start position:0% form 00:05:17.840 --> 00:05:20.070 align:start position:0% form come<00:05:18.000> up<00:05:18.160> here<00:05:18.479> and<00:05:18.720> toggle<00:05:19.280> all<00:05:19.680> fields 00:05:20.070 --> 00:05:20.080 align:start position:0% come up here and toggle all fields 00:05:20.080 --> 00:05:23.830 align:start position:0% come up here and toggle all fields objects<00:05:20.639> on<00:05:20.880> and<00:05:21.039> off<00:05:21.360> quickly 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align:start position:0% by using these controls here just<00:05:39.120> like<00:05:39.360> the<00:05:39.440> last<00:05:39.840> form<00:05:40.320> i<00:05:40.479> can<00:05:40.720> customize 00:05:41.270 --> 00:05:41.280 align:start position:0% just like the last form i can customize 00:05:41.280 --> 00:05:43.029 align:start position:0% just like the last form i can customize this<00:05:41.520> one<00:05:41.680> as<00:05:41.840> well 00:05:43.029 --> 00:05:43.039 align:start position:0% this one as well 00:05:43.039 --> 00:05:44.310 align:start position:0% this one as well for<00:05:43.280> example 00:05:44.310 --> 00:05:44.320 align:start position:0% for example 00:05:44.320 --> 00:05:46.150 align:start position:0% for example i<00:05:44.400> can<00:05:44.639> change<00:05:44.960> the<00:05:45.120> form's<00:05:45.600> title<00:05:45.919> by 00:05:46.150 --> 00:05:46.160 align:start position:0% i can change the form's title by 00:05:46.160 --> 00:05:48.070 align:start position:0% i can change the form's title by clicking<00:05:46.479> on<00:05:46.639> it<00:05:46.880> and<00:05:47.120> keying<00:05:47.520> in<00:05:47.680> the<00:05:47.840> new 00:05:48.070 --> 00:05:48.080 align:start position:0% clicking on it and keying in the new 00:05:48.080 --> 00:05:49.590 align:start position:0% clicking on it and keying in the new name 00:05:49.590 --> 00:05:49.600 align:start position:0% name 00:05:49.600 --> 00:05:52.310 align:start position:0% name i<00:05:49.759> can<00:05:50.080> also<00:05:50.479> add<00:05:50.800> and<00:05:50.960> resize<00:05:51.600> images<00:05:52.080> by 00:05:52.310 --> 00:05:52.320 align:start position:0% i can also add and resize images by 00:05:52.320 --> 00:05:56.070 align:start position:0% i can also add and resize images by dragging<00:05:52.800> them<00:05:53.039> directly<00:05:53.680> onto<00:05:54.000> the<00:05:54.160> page 00:05:56.070 --> 00:05:56.080 align:start position:0% dragging them directly onto the page 00:05:56.080 --> 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remains<00:06:03.759> open 00:06:05.350 --> 00:06:05.360 align:start position:0% pin it so that it remains open 00:06:05.360 --> 00:06:07.670 align:start position:0% pin it so that it remains open alternately<00:06:06.240> i<00:06:06.400> can<00:06:06.639> click<00:06:06.880> on<00:06:07.039> the<00:06:07.120> form<00:06:07.440> and 00:06:07.670 --> 00:06:07.680 align:start position:0% alternately i can click on the form and 00:06:07.680 --> 00:06:11.189 align:start position:0% alternately i can click on the form and add<00:06:08.000> objects<00:06:08.639> inline<00:06:09.199> if<00:06:09.360> needed<00:06:10.160> okay<00:06:10.880> i<00:06:11.039> need 00:06:11.189 --> 00:06:11.199 align:start position:0% add objects inline if needed okay i need 00:06:11.199 --> 00:06:13.350 align:start position:0% add objects inline if needed okay i need to<00:06:11.280> think<00:06:11.520> about<00:06:11.759> some<00:06:11.919> next<00:06:12.160> steps<00:06:13.039> i<00:06:13.199> need 00:06:13.350 --> 00:06:13.360 align:start position:0% to think about some next steps i need 00:06:13.360 --> 00:06:15.350 align:start position:0% to think about some next steps i need the<00:06:13.600> addresses<00:06:14.319> of<00:06:14.400> those<00:06:14.639> who<00:06:14.800> register<00:06:15.199> for 00:06:15.350 --> 00:06:15.360 align:start position:0% the addresses of those who register for 00:06:15.360 --> 00:06:17.510 align:start position:0% the addresses of those who register for my<00:06:15.520> event<00:06:16.000> to<00:06:16.240> send<00:06:16.479> additional<00:06:16.960> information 00:06:17.510 --> 00:06:17.520 align:start position:0% my event to send additional information 00:06:17.520 --> 00:06:20.390 align:start position:0% my event to send additional information to<00:06:17.759> them<00:06:18.400> after<00:06:18.639> they<00:06:18.800> register<00:06:19.759> i<00:06:20.000> can<00:06:20.160> use 00:06:20.390 --> 00:06:20.400 align:start position:0% to them after they register i can use 00:06:20.400 --> 00:06:22.870 align:start position:0% to them after they register i can use the<00:06:20.639> address<00:06:21.360> object<00:06:21.840> to<00:06:22.000> get<00:06:22.319> all<00:06:22.560> of<00:06:22.639> that 00:06:22.870 --> 00:06:22.880 align:start position:0% the address object to get all of that 00:06:22.880 --> 00:06:25.189 align:start position:0% the address object to get all of that information<00:06:23.440> at<00:06:23.520> once 00:06:25.189 --> 00:06:25.199 align:start position:0% information at once 00:06:25.199 --> 00:06:27.830 align:start position:0% information at once and<00:06:25.440> i<00:06:25.520> can<00:06:25.759> add<00:06:25.919> a<00:06:26.080> text<00:06:26.400> block<00:06:26.960> if<00:06:27.199> i<00:06:27.280> need<00:06:27.520> to 00:06:27.830 --> 00:06:27.840 align:start position:0% and i can add a text block if i need to 00:06:27.840 --> 00:06:29.670 align:start position:0% and i can add a text block if i need to to<00:06:28.080> explain<00:06:28.560> the<00:06:28.639> information<00:06:29.280> i<00:06:29.440> want<00:06:29.600> to 00:06:29.670 --> 00:06:29.680 align:start position:0% to explain the information i want to 00:06:29.680 --> 00:06:32.150 align:start position:0% to explain the information i want to capture 00:06:32.150 --> 00:06:32.160 align:start position:0% 00:06:32.160 --> 00:06:34.790 align:start position:0% okay<00:06:32.720> on<00:06:32.880> to<00:06:33.039> the<00:06:33.199> amazing<00:06:33.600> t-shirts 00:06:34.790 --> 00:06:34.800 align:start position:0% okay on to the amazing t-shirts 00:06:34.800 --> 00:06:37.110 align:start position:0% okay on to the amazing t-shirts i<00:06:34.960> need<00:06:35.120> to<00:06:35.280> find<00:06:35.600> out<00:06:35.840> the<00:06:36.080> t-shirt<00:06:36.639> size<00:06:36.880> for 00:06:37.110 --> 00:06:37.120 align:start position:0% i need to find out the t-shirt size for 00:06:37.120 --> 00:06:39.270 align:start position:0% i need to find out the t-shirt size for everyone<00:06:37.520> registering<00:06:38.560> and<00:06:38.720> a<00:06:38.880> multiple 00:06:39.270 --> 00:06:39.280 align:start position:0% everyone registering and a multiple 00:06:39.280 --> 00:06:41.830 align:start position:0% everyone registering and a multiple choice<00:06:39.680> object<00:06:40.160> seems<00:06:40.400> like<00:06:40.639> a<00:06:40.880> perfect<00:06:41.280> tool 00:06:41.830 --> 00:06:41.840 align:start position:0% choice object seems like a perfect tool 00:06:41.840 --> 00:06:44.469 align:start position:0% choice object seems like a perfect tool to<00:06:42.080> accomplish<00:06:42.560> this<00:06:42.880> task 00:06:44.469 --> 00:06:44.479 align:start position:0% to accomplish this task 00:06:44.479 --> 00:06:46.629 align:start position:0% to accomplish this task much<00:06:44.720> like<00:06:44.880> the<00:06:45.039> drop<00:06:45.360> down<00:06:45.600> list<00:06:46.240> i<00:06:46.400> added 00:06:46.629 --> 00:06:46.639 align:start position:0% much like the drop down list i added 00:06:46.639 --> 00:06:49.510 align:start position:0% much like the drop down list i added earlier<00:06:47.520> i<00:06:47.680> can<00:06:47.919> configure<00:06:48.720> what<00:06:49.039> items<00:06:49.440> are 00:06:49.510 --> 00:06:49.520 align:start position:0% earlier i can configure what items are 00:06:49.520 --> 00:06:52.550 align:start position:0% earlier i can configure what items are displayed<00:06:50.240> and<00:06:50.479> selectable<00:06:51.520> by<00:06:51.840> people 00:06:52.550 --> 00:06:52.560 align:start position:0% displayed and selectable by people 00:06:52.560 --> 00:06:54.469 align:start position:0% displayed and selectable by people completing<00:06:53.039> this<00:06:53.360> form 00:06:54.469 --> 00:06:54.479 align:start position:0% completing this form 00:06:54.479 --> 00:06:56.309 align:start position:0% completing this form i<00:06:54.639> believe<00:06:55.120> all<00:06:55.360> fields<00:06:55.680> are<00:06:55.840> in<00:06:55.919> place<00:06:56.160> for 00:06:56.309 --> 00:06:56.319 align:start position:0% i believe all fields are in place for 00:06:56.319 --> 00:06:58.629 align:start position:0% i believe all fields are in place for the<00:06:56.400> event<00:06:56.720> details<00:06:57.199> i<00:06:57.280> need<00:06:57.440> to<00:06:57.520> capture<00:06:58.319> so<00:06:58.560> i 00:06:58.629 --> 00:06:58.639 align:start position:0% the event details i need to capture so i 00:06:58.639 --> 00:07:02.150 align:start position:0% the event details i need to capture so i will<00:06:58.880> move<00:06:59.120> on<00:06:59.360> to<00:06:59.520> the<00:06:59.599> confirmation<00:07:00.319> page 00:07:02.150 --> 00:07:02.160 align:start position:0% will move on to the confirmation page 00:07:02.160 --> 00:07:03.749 align:start position:0% will move on to the confirmation page maybe<00:07:02.400> i<00:07:02.560> don't<00:07:02.639> want<00:07:02.800> to<00:07:02.960> display<00:07:03.280> the<00:07:03.440> header 00:07:03.749 --> 00:07:03.759 align:start position:0% maybe i don't want to display the header 00:07:03.759 --> 00:07:04.629 align:start position:0% maybe i don't want to display the header at<00:07:03.919> all 00:07:04.629 --> 00:07:04.639 align:start position:0% at all 00:07:04.639 --> 00:07:05.830 align:start position:0% at all instead 00:07:05.830 --> 00:07:05.840 align:start position:0% instead 00:07:05.840 --> 00:07:07.510 align:start position:0% instead let<00:07:06.000> me<00:07:06.160> provide<00:07:06.560> a<00:07:06.639> message<00:07:07.120> saying<00:07:07.360> the 00:07:07.510 --> 00:07:07.520 align:start position:0% let me provide a message saying the 00:07:07.520 --> 00:07:09.990 align:start position:0% let me provide a message saying the registration<00:07:08.240> was<00:07:08.400> successful 00:07:09.990 --> 00:07:10.000 align:start position:0% registration was successful 00:07:10.000 --> 00:07:12.550 align:start position:0% registration was successful remember<00:07:10.639> that<00:07:10.960> objects<00:07:11.440> added<00:07:11.680> to<00:07:11.840> a<00:07:12.000> form 00:07:12.550 --> 00:07:12.560 align:start position:0% remember that objects added to a form 00:07:12.560 --> 00:07:14.830 align:start position:0% remember that objects added to a form can<00:07:12.960> also<00:07:13.520> easily<00:07:14.000> be 00:07:14.830 --> 00:07:14.840 align:start position:0% can also easily be 00:07:14.840 --> 00:07:16.469 align:start position:0% can also easily be removed 00:07:16.469 --> 00:07:16.479 align:start position:0% removed 00:07:16.479 --> 00:07:18.950 align:start position:0% removed after<00:07:16.800> these<00:07:17.039> quick<00:07:17.280> edits<00:07:18.080> the<00:07:18.240> registration 00:07:18.950 --> 00:07:18.960 align:start position:0% after these quick edits the registration 00:07:18.960 --> 00:07:21.110 align:start position:0% after these quick edits the registration page<00:07:19.440> is<00:07:19.680> ready<00:07:20.000> to<00:07:20.160> go 00:07:21.110 --> 00:07:21.120 align:start position:0% page is ready to go 00:07:21.120 --> 00:07:23.350 align:start position:0% page is ready to go and<00:07:21.360> at<00:07:21.520> any<00:07:21.759> time<00:07:22.240> i<00:07:22.400> can<00:07:22.639> preview<00:07:23.199> what 00:07:23.350 --> 00:07:23.360 align:start position:0% and at any time i can preview what 00:07:23.360 --> 00:07:25.189 align:start position:0% and at any time i can preview what things<00:07:23.680> will<00:07:23.919> look<00:07:24.080> like<00:07:24.400> by<00:07:24.639> clicking<00:07:25.039> the 00:07:25.189 --> 00:07:25.199 align:start position:0% things will look like by clicking the 00:07:25.199 --> 00:07:26.870 align:start position:0% things will look like by clicking the preview<00:07:25.599> button<00:07:25.919> and<00:07:26.160> walking<00:07:26.479> through<00:07:26.720> my 00:07:26.870 --> 00:07:26.880 align:start position:0% preview button and walking through my 00:07:26.880 --> 00:07:28.830 align:start position:0% preview button and walking through my workflow<00:07:27.599> to<00:07:27.759> make<00:07:27.919> sure<00:07:28.160> it's<00:07:28.400> set<00:07:28.639> up 00:07:28.830 --> 00:07:28.840 align:start position:0% workflow to make sure it's set up 00:07:28.840 --> 00:07:30.550 align:start position:0% workflow to make sure it's set up correctly 00:07:30.550 --> 00:07:30.560 align:start position:0% correctly 00:07:30.560 --> 00:07:31.510 align:start position:0% correctly note 00:07:31.510 --> 00:07:31.520 align:start position:0% note 00:07:31.520 --> 00:07:33.830 align:start position:0% note that<00:07:31.919> nothing<00:07:32.400> saves<00:07:32.800> if<00:07:32.960> i<00:07:33.120> click<00:07:33.440> submit 00:07:33.830 --> 00:07:33.840 align:start position:0% that nothing saves if i click submit 00:07:33.840 --> 00:07:36.230 align:start position:0% that nothing saves if i click submit while<00:07:34.080> in<00:07:34.240> preview<00:07:34.639> mode<00:07:35.440> but<00:07:35.599> the<00:07:35.759> fields 00:07:36.230 --> 00:07:36.240 align:start position:0% while in preview mode but the fields 00:07:36.240 --> 00:07:39.430 align:start position:0% while in preview mode but the fields marked<00:07:36.639> as<00:07:36.880> required<00:07:37.599> are<00:07:37.840> displayed 00:07:39.430 --> 00:07:39.440 align:start position:0% marked as required are displayed 00:07:39.440 --> 00:07:42.150 align:start position:0% marked as required are displayed while<00:07:39.759> in<00:07:39.840> preview<00:07:40.720> i<00:07:40.880> can<00:07:41.120> also<00:07:41.520> see<00:07:41.680> how<00:07:41.919> my 00:07:42.150 --> 00:07:42.160 align:start position:0% while in preview i can also see how my 00:07:42.160 --> 00:07:43.990 align:start position:0% while in preview i can also see how my form<00:07:42.400> will<00:07:42.560> look<00:07:42.880> when<00:07:43.120> used<00:07:43.440> on<00:07:43.599> different 00:07:43.990 --> 00:07:44.000 align:start position:0% form will look when used on different 00:07:44.000 --> 00:07:49.270 align:start position:0% form will look when used on different devices<00:07:44.639> by<00:07:44.879> using<00:07:45.199> this<00:07:45.440> pull<00:07:45.680> down<00:07:45.919> menu 00:07:49.270 --> 00:07:49.280 align:start position:0% 00:07:49.280 --> 00:07:51.510 align:start position:0% data<00:07:49.680> isn't<00:07:49.919> really<00:07:50.160> saved<00:07:50.479> in<00:07:50.639> preview<00:07:51.039> mode 00:07:51.510 --> 00:07:51.520 align:start position:0% data isn't really saved in preview mode 00:07:51.520 --> 00:07:53.270 align:start position:0% data isn't really saved in preview mode so<00:07:51.680> if<00:07:51.840> i<00:07:51.919> want<00:07:52.080> to<00:07:52.240> try<00:07:52.479> out<00:07:52.560> my<00:07:52.720> workflow<00:07:53.199> in 00:07:53.270 --> 00:07:53.280 align:start position:0% so if i want to try out my workflow in 00:07:53.280 --> 00:07:55.430 align:start position:0% so if i want to try out my workflow in real<00:07:53.599> time<00:07:54.000> i<00:07:54.160> can<00:07:54.400> share<00:07:54.720> my<00:07:54.960> forms<00:07:55.280> with 00:07:55.430 --> 00:07:55.440 align:start position:0% real time i can share my forms with 00:07:55.440 --> 00:07:57.909 align:start position:0% real time i can share my forms with someone<00:07:55.840> else<00:07:56.080> by<00:07:56.319> using<00:07:56.639> the<00:07:56.879> share<00:07:57.199> button 00:07:57.909 --> 00:07:57.919 align:start position:0% someone else by using the share button 00:07:57.919 --> 00:07:59.990 align:start position:0% someone else by using the share button this<00:07:58.240> creates<00:07:58.560> a<00:07:58.720> web<00:07:58.960> link<00:07:59.199> for<00:07:59.360> testing<00:07:59.840> out 00:07:59.990 --> 00:08:00.000 align:start position:0% this creates a web link for testing out 00:08:00.000 --> 00:08:03.270 align:start position:0% this creates a web link for testing out forms<00:08:00.479> or<00:08:00.800> sharing<00:08:01.199> them<00:08:01.360> with<00:08:01.599> others 00:08:03.270 --> 00:08:03.280 align:start position:0% forms or sharing them with others 00:08:03.280 --> 00:08:05.270 align:start position:0% forms or sharing them with others when<00:08:03.520> i<00:08:03.680> add<00:08:04.080> some<00:08:04.319> information<00:08:04.800> and<00:08:04.960> switch 00:08:05.270 --> 00:08:05.280 align:start position:0% when i add some information and switch 00:08:05.280 --> 00:08:07.670 align:start position:0% when i add some information and switch back<00:08:05.440> to<00:08:05.599> Claris<00:08:06.000> Studio<00:08:06.800> i<00:08:06.960> can<00:08:07.199> click<00:08:07.440> the 00:08:07.670 --> 00:08:07.680 align:start position:0% back to Claris Studio i can click the 00:08:07.680 --> 00:08:09.589 align:start position:0% back to Claris Studio i can click the data<00:08:08.000> button<00:08:08.319> to<00:08:08.479> see<00:08:08.639> the<00:08:08.800> information<00:08:09.440> i 00:08:09.589 --> 00:08:09.599 align:start position:0% data button to see the information i 00:08:09.599 --> 00:08:12.390 align:start position:0% data button to see the information i entered<00:08:10.400> the<00:08:10.560> data<00:08:10.879> view<00:08:11.360> also<00:08:11.680> allows<00:08:12.000> me<00:08:12.160> to 00:08:12.390 --> 00:08:12.400 align:start position:0% entered the data view also allows me to 00:08:12.400 --> 00:08:16.790 align:start position:0% entered the data view also allows me to filter<00:08:13.199> group<00:08:13.840> and<00:08:14.240> sort<00:08:14.720> the<00:08:14.879> collected<00:08:15.360> data 00:08:16.790 --> 00:08:16.800 align:start position:0% filter group and sort the collected data 00:08:16.800 --> 00:08:18.150 align:start position:0% filter group and sort the collected data in<00:08:17.039> addition 00:08:18.150 --> 00:08:18.160 align:start position:0% in addition 00:08:18.160 --> 00:08:20.309 align:start position:0% in addition data<00:08:18.479> can<00:08:18.639> be<00:08:18.800> added<00:08:19.120> directly<00:08:19.759> by<00:08:20.000> clicking 00:08:20.309 --> 00:08:20.319 align:start position:0% data can be added directly by clicking 00:08:20.319 --> 00:08:22.070 align:start position:0% data can be added directly by clicking the<00:08:20.560> row<00:08:20.800> button<00:08:21.199> and<00:08:21.440> entering<00:08:21.919> the 00:08:22.070 --> 00:08:22.080 align:start position:0% the row button and entering the 00:08:22.080 --> 00:08:26.790 align:start position:0% the row button and entering the necessary<00:08:22.879> information 00:08:26.790 --> 00:08:26.800 align:start position:0% 00:08:26.800 --> 00:08:29.189 align:start position:0% when<00:08:26.960> my<00:08:27.120> workflow<00:08:27.599> is<00:08:27.680> ready<00:08:27.919> to<00:08:28.080> go<00:08:28.720> i<00:08:28.879> can 00:08:29.189 --> 00:08:29.199 align:start position:0% when my workflow is ready to go i can 00:08:29.199 --> 00:08:31.589 align:start position:0% when my workflow is ready to go i can integrate<00:08:29.680> it<00:08:29.759> with<00:08:29.919> my<00:08:30.080> FileMaker<00:08:30.720> app<00:08:31.199> using 00:08:31.589 --> 00:08:31.599 align:start position:0% integrate it with my FileMaker app using 00:08:31.599 --> 00:08:34.230 align:start position:0% integrate it with my FileMaker app using Claris<00:08:32.159> Pro 00:08:34.230 --> 00:08:34.240 align:start position:0% Claris Pro 00:08:34.240 --> 00:08:36.949 align:start position:0% Claris Pro Claris<00:08:34.719> Pro<00:08:35.120> is<00:08:35.279> based<00:08:35.519> on<00:08:35.680> FileMaker<00:08:36.240> pro<00:08:36.800> and 00:08:36.949 --> 00:08:36.959 align:start position:0% Claris Pro is based on FileMaker Pro and 00:08:36.959 --> 00:08:39.350 align:start position:0% Claris Pro is based on FileMaker Pro and allows<00:08:37.519> accessing<00:08:38.080> and<00:08:38.320> integrating<00:08:38.880> data 00:08:39.350 --> 00:08:39.360 align:start position:0% allows accessing and integrating data 00:08:39.360 --> 00:08:41.509 align:start position:0% allows accessing and integrating data from<00:08:39.519> Claris<00:08:40.000> Studio<00:08:40.880> when<00:08:41.120> launching 00:08:41.509 --> 00:08:41.519 align:start position:0% from Claris Studio when launching 00:08:41.519 --> 00:08:44.070 align:start position:0% from Claris Studio when launching Claris<00:08:42.000> Pro<00:08:42.640> i<00:08:42.880> first<00:08:43.120> need<00:08:43.279> to<00:08:43.440> log<00:08:43.680> in<00:08:43.839> using 00:08:44.070 --> 00:08:44.080 align:start position:0% Claris Pro i first need to log in using 00:08:44.080 --> 00:08:46.790 align:start position:0% Claris Pro i first need to log in using my<00:08:44.320> Claris<00:08:44.800> Studio<00:08:45.279> ID 00:08:46.790 --> 00:08:46.800 align:start position:0% my Claris Studio ID 00:08:46.800 --> 00:08:48.949 align:start position:0% my Claris Studio ID and<00:08:47.279> since<00:08:47.600> i'm<00:08:47.760> also<00:08:48.000> a<00:08:48.160> FileMaker<00:08:48.720> Cloud 00:08:48.949 --> 00:08:48.959 align:start position:0% and since i'm also a FileMaker cloud 00:08:48.959 --> 00:08:51.829 align:start position:0% and since i'm also a FileMaker cloud user<00:08:49.680> i<00:08:49.760> need<00:08:49.920> to<00:08:50.080> log<00:08:50.399> in<00:08:50.480> using<00:08:50.800> my<00:08:50.959> Claris<00:08:51.440> ID 00:08:51.829 --> 00:08:51.839 align:start position:0% user i need to log in using my Claris ID 00:08:51.839 --> 00:08:54.070 align:start position:0% user i need to log in using my Claris ID to<00:08:52.000> be<00:08:52.160> able<00:08:52.320> to<00:08:52.399> see<00:08:52.640> my<00:08:52.880> apps<00:08:53.360> hosted<00:08:53.839> in<00:08:53.920> the 00:08:54.070 --> 00:08:54.080 align:start position:0% to be able to see my apps hosted in the 00:08:54.080 --> 00:08:55.910 align:start position:0% to be able to see my apps hosted in the cloud 00:08:55.910 --> 00:08:55.920 align:start position:0% cloud 00:08:55.920 --> 00:08:58.310 align:start position:0% cloud okay<00:08:56.800> now<00:08:56.959> that<00:08:57.120> i'm<00:08:57.279> logged<00:08:57.600> in 00:08:58.310 --> 00:08:58.320 align:start position:0% okay now that i'm logged in 00:08:58.320 --> 00:09:00.470 align:start position:0% okay now that i'm logged in i<00:08:58.560> have<00:08:58.800> access<00:08:59.120> to<00:08:59.519> all<00:08:59.760> the<00:08:59.920> tables<00:09:00.320> that 00:09:00.470 --> 00:09:00.480 align:start position:0% i have access to all the tables that 00:09:00.480 --> 00:09:04.230 align:start position:0% i have access to all the tables that i've<00:09:00.640> created<00:09:01.120> in<00:09:01.200> Claris<00:09:01.680> Studio 00:09:04.230 --> 00:09:04.240 align:start position:0% 00:09:04.240 --> 00:09:05.829 align:start position:0% if<00:09:04.399> i<00:09:04.480> want<00:09:04.640> to<00:09:04.720> start<00:09:04.959> from<00:09:05.120> scratch<00:09:05.680> and 00:09:05.829 --> 00:09:05.839 align:start position:0% if i want to start from scratch and 00:09:05.839 --> 00:09:07.269 align:start position:0% if i want to start from scratch and create<00:09:06.080> a<00:09:06.160> new<00:09:06.399> app 00:09:07.269 --> 00:09:07.279 align:start position:0% create a new app 00:09:07.279 --> 00:09:08.949 align:start position:0% create a new app all<00:09:07.519> the<00:09:07.760> tables<00:09:08.160> created<00:09:08.480> in<00:09:08.560> Claris 00:09:08.949 --> 00:09:08.959 align:start position:0% all the tables created in Claris 00:09:08.959 --> 00:09:10.790 align:start position:0% all the tables created in Claris Studio<00:09:09.360> will<00:09:09.680> automatically<00:09:10.320> be<00:09:10.480> brought 00:09:10.790 --> 00:09:10.800 align:start position:0% Studio will automatically be brought 00:09:10.800 --> 00:09:12.150 align:start position:0% Studio will automatically be brought over 00:09:12.150 --> 00:09:12.160 align:start position:0% over 00:09:12.160 --> 00:09:13.110 align:start position:0% over but 00:09:13.110 --> 00:09:13.120 align:start position:0% but 00:09:13.120 --> 00:09:14.790 align:start position:0% but more<00:09:13.360> likely 00:09:14.790 --> 00:09:14.800 align:start position:0% more likely 00:09:14.800 --> 00:09:16.710 align:start position:0% more likely i<00:09:14.959> want<00:09:15.120> to<00:09:15.360> integrate<00:09:15.680> the<00:09:15.839> data<00:09:16.240> captured 00:09:16.710 --> 00:09:16.720 align:start position:0% i want to integrate the data captured 00:09:16.720 --> 00:09:19.190 align:start position:0% i want to integrate the data captured using<00:09:16.959> Claris<00:09:17.440> Studio<00:09:18.000> into<00:09:18.320> an<00:09:18.480> app<00:09:18.720> that<00:09:18.959> i 00:09:19.190 --> 00:09:19.200 align:start position:0% using Claris Studio into an app that i 00:09:19.200 --> 00:09:20.949 align:start position:0% using Claris Studio into an app that i already<00:09:19.680> have 00:09:20.949 --> 00:09:20.959 align:start position:0% already have 00:09:20.959 --> 00:09:23.590 align:start position:0% already have in<00:09:21.120> this<00:09:21.360> case<00:09:22.240> i<00:09:22.399> open<00:09:22.640> my<00:09:22.880> existing<00:09:23.279> app<00:09:23.519> in 00:09:23.590 --> 00:09:23.600 align:start position:0% in this case i open my existing app in 00:09:23.600 --> 00:09:26.949 align:start position:0% in this case i open my existing app in Claris<00:09:24.000> Studio<00:09:24.800> and<00:09:25.120> navigate<00:09:26.160> to<00:09:26.320> the<00:09:26.480> manage 00:09:26.949 --> 00:09:26.959 align:start position:0% Claris Studio and navigate to the manage 00:09:26.959 --> 00:09:29.350 align:start position:0% Claris Studio and navigate to the manage database<00:09:27.440> dialog<00:09:28.000> box 00:09:29.350 --> 00:09:29.360 align:start position:0% database dialog box 00:09:29.360 --> 00:09:32.389 align:start position:0% database dialog box then<00:09:29.680> i<00:09:29.839> select<00:09:30.240> the<00:09:30.320> Relationships<00:09:31.120> tab 00:09:32.389 --> 00:09:32.399 align:start position:0% then i select the Relationships tab 00:09:32.399 --> 00:09:35.670 align:start position:0% then i select the Relationships tab here<00:09:33.200> i<00:09:33.360> can<00:09:33.600> add<00:09:33.839> a<00:09:34.000> new<00:09:34.320> table<00:09:34.880> to<00:09:35.040> my<00:09:35.279> app's 00:09:35.670 --> 00:09:35.680 align:start position:0% here i can add a new table to my app's 00:09:35.680 --> 00:09:38.150 align:start position:0% here i can add a new table to my app's Relationships<00:09:36.399> graph<00:09:37.040> by<00:09:37.279> choosing<00:09:37.760> Claris 00:09:38.150 --> 00:09:38.160 align:start position:0% Relationships graph by choosing Claris 00:09:38.160 --> 00:09:40.710 align:start position:0% Relationships graph by choosing Claris Studio<00:09:38.640> from<00:09:38.800> the<00:09:38.959> list<00:09:39.279> of<00:09:39.360> data<00:09:39.680> sources 00:09:40.710 --> 00:09:40.720 align:start position:0% Studio from the list of data sources 00:09:40.720 --> 00:09:43.990 align:start position:0% Studio from the list of data sources on<00:09:40.880> the<00:09:41.040> specify<00:09:41.760> table<00:09:42.320> dialog<00:09:42.800> box<00:09:43.600> once<00:09:43.839> i 00:09:43.990 --> 00:09:44.000 align:start position:0% on the specify table dialog box once i 00:09:44.000 --> 00:09:46.550 align:start position:0% on the specify table dialog box once i choose<00:09:44.240> a<00:09:44.320> table<00:09:45.120> it's<00:09:45.519> automatically<00:09:46.240> added 00:09:46.550 --> 00:09:46.560 align:start position:0% choose a table it's automatically added 00:09:46.560 --> 00:09:49.430 align:start position:0% choose a table it's automatically added to<00:09:46.720> my<00:09:46.959> Relationships<00:09:47.760> graph 00:09:49.430 --> 00:09:49.440 align:start position:0% to my Relationships graph 00:09:49.440 --> 00:09:51.910 align:start position:0% to my Relationships graph remember<00:09:50.000> a<00:09:50.240> table<00:09:50.640> is<00:09:50.800> a<00:09:50.880> collection<00:09:51.360> of<00:09:51.519> data 00:09:51.910 --> 00:09:51.920 align:start position:0% remember a table is a collection of data 00:09:51.920 --> 00:09:55.190 align:start position:0% remember a table is a collection of data about<00:09:52.160> a<00:09:52.399> subject<00:09:53.200> such<00:09:53.440> as<00:09:53.600> customers<00:09:54.480> or<00:09:54.959> in 00:09:55.190 --> 00:09:55.200 align:start position:0% about a subject such as customers or in 00:09:55.200 --> 00:09:57.829 align:start position:0% about a subject such as customers or in this<00:09:55.440> case<00:09:56.080> a<00:09:56.320> list<00:09:56.640> of<00:09:56.720> people<00:09:57.440> and<00:09:57.600> their 00:09:57.829 --> 00:09:57.839 align:start position:0% this case a list of people and their 00:09:57.839 --> 00:09:59.750 align:start position:0% this case a list of people and their captured<00:09:58.320> information<00:09:59.040> who<00:09:59.200> are<00:09:59.360> registered 00:09:59.750 --> 00:09:59.760 align:start position:0% captured information who are registered 00:09:59.760 --> 00:10:01.750 align:start position:0% captured information who are registered for<00:09:59.920> my<00:10:00.160> event 00:10:01.750 --> 00:10:01.760 align:start position:0% for my event 00:10:01.760 --> 00:10:04.150 align:start position:0% for my event i<00:10:01.920> can<00:10:02.079> use<00:10:02.320> this<00:10:02.640> table<00:10:03.120> like<00:10:03.440> any<00:10:03.839> other 00:10:04.150 --> 00:10:04.160 align:start position:0% i can use this table like any other 00:10:04.160 --> 00:10:07.110 align:start position:0% i can use this table like any other external<00:10:04.800> SQL<00:10:05.200> source<00:10:05.519> table<00:10:05.839> in<00:10:06.000> my<00:10:06.240> app 00:10:07.110 --> 00:10:07.120 align:start position:0% external SQL source table in my app 00:10:07.120 --> 00:10:09.829 align:start position:0% external SQL source table in my app including<00:10:08.000> using<00:10:08.399> this<00:10:08.640> table<00:10:09.200> to<00:10:09.360> create<00:10:09.600> a 00:10:09.829 --> 00:10:09.839 align:start position:0% including using this table to create a 00:10:09.839 --> 00:10:20.630 align:start position:0% including using this table to create a relationship<00:10:11.120> and<00:10:11.680> displaying<00:10:12.320> related<00:10:12.800> data 00:10:20.630 --> 00:10:20.640 align:start position:0% 00:10:20.640 --> 00:10:21.990 align:start position:0% and<00:10:20.800> that's<00:10:21.200> it 00:10:21.990 --> 00:10:22.000 align:start position:0% and that's it 00:10:22.000 --> 00:10:24.550 align:start position:0% and that's it i've<00:10:22.320> created<00:10:22.640> a<00:10:22.720> web<00:10:23.040> form<00:10:23.839> captured<00:10:24.240> data 00:10:24.550 --> 00:10:24.560 align:start position:0% i've created a web form captured data 00:10:24.560 --> 00:10:27.030 align:start position:0% i've created a web form captured data from<00:10:24.880> it<00:10:25.360> and<00:10:25.600> displayed<00:10:26.079> that<00:10:26.320> data<00:10:26.720> in<00:10:26.880> an 00:10:27.030 --> 00:10:27.040 align:start position:0% from it and displayed that data in an 00:10:27.040 --> 00:10:30.310 align:start position:0% from it and displayed that data in an existing<00:10:27.600> app<00:10:27.920> in<00:10:28.160> just<00:10:28.399> a<00:10:28.480> few<00:10:28.720> minutes 00:10:30.310 --> 00:10:30.320 align:start position:0% existing app in just a few minutes 00:10:30.320 --> 00:10:32.710 align:start position:0% existing app in just a few minutes Claris<00:10:30.720> Studio<00:10:31.279> is<00:10:31.440> another<00:10:31.920> business<00:10:32.240> tool<00:10:32.560> to 00:10:32.710 --> 00:10:32.720 align:start position:0% Claris Studio is another business tool to 00:10:32.720 --> 00:10:35.350 align:start position:0% Claris Studio is another business tool to make<00:10:32.959> your<00:10:33.120> business<00:10:33.680> life<00:10:34.240> easier 00:10:35.350 --> 00:10:35.360 align:start position:0% make your business life easier 00:10:35.360 --> 00:10:37.509 align:start position:0% make your business life easier as<00:10:35.600> functionality<00:10:36.320> evolves<00:10:37.200> we<00:10:37.360> will 00:10:37.509 --> 00:10:37.519 align:start position:0% as functionality evolves we will 00:10:37.519 --> 00:10:39.509 align:start position:0% as functionality evolves we will continuously<00:10:38.399> release<00:10:38.880> updates<00:10:39.279> to<00:10:39.440> the 00:10:39.509 --> 00:10:39.519 align:start position:0% continuously release updates to the 00:10:39.519 --> 00:10:42.389 align:start position:0% continuously release updates to the Claris<00:10:39.920> Studio<00:10:40.320> developer<00:10:40.800> preview 00:10:42.389 --> 00:10:42.399 align:start position:0% Claris Studio developer preview 00:10:42.399 --> 00:10:44.310 align:start position:0% Claris Studio developer preview in<00:10:42.480> the<00:10:42.640> upcoming<00:10:43.040> months<00:10:43.760> you'll<00:10:44.000> be<00:10:44.079> able<00:10:44.240> to 00:10:44.310 --> 00:10:44.320 align:start position:0% in the upcoming months you'll be able to 00:10:44.320 --> 00:10:46.870 align:start position:0% in the upcoming months you'll be able to build<00:10:44.640> a<00:10:44.800> scalable<00:10:45.519> web-based<00:10:46.079> solution<00:10:46.560> that 00:10:46.870 --> 00:10:46.880 align:start position:0% build a scalable web-based solution that 00:10:46.880 --> 00:10:49.030 align:start position:0% build a scalable web-based solution that seamlessly<00:10:47.600> integrates<00:10:48.160> with<00:10:48.320> your<00:10:48.560> existing 00:10:49.030 --> 00:10:49.040 align:start position:0% seamlessly integrates with your existing 00:10:49.040 --> 00:10:51.750 align:start position:0% seamlessly integrates with your existing Claris<00:10:49.600> FileMaker<00:10:50.160> solutions<00:10:51.040> and<00:10:51.200> delivers 00:10:51.750 --> 00:10:51.760 align:start position:0% Claris FileMaker solutions and delivers 00:10:51.760 --> 00:10:55.110 align:start position:0% Claris FileMaker solutions and delivers enhanced<00:10:52.480> customer<00:10:52.959> experiences 00:10:55.110 --> 00:10:55.120 align:start position:0% enhanced customer experiences 00:10:55.120 --> 00:10:56.790 align:start position:0% enhanced customer experiences to<00:10:55.279> find<00:10:55.519> out<00:10:55.760> more 00:10:56.790 --> 00:10:56.800 align:start position:0% to find out more 00:10:56.800 --> 00:10:59.110 align:start position:0% to find out more check<00:10:57.120> out<00:10:57.279> the<00:10:57.440> Claris<00:10:57.839> Studio<00:10:58.320> FAQ<00:10:58.880> on<00:10:59.040> our 00:10:59.110 --> 00:10:59.120 align:start position:0% check out the Claris Studio FAQ on our 00:10:59.120 --> 00:11:00.630 align:start position:0% check out the Claris Studio FAQ on our website 00:11:00.630 --> 00:11:00.640 align:start position:0% website 00:11:00.640 --> 00:11:02.310 align:start position:0% website and<00:11:00.880> please<00:11:01.279> give<00:11:01.519> us<00:11:01.600> your<00:11:01.760> feedback<00:11:02.240> on 00:11:02.310 --> 00:11:02.320 align:start position:0% and please give us your feedback on 00:11:02.320 --> 00:11:05.430 align:start position:0% and please give us your feedback on Claris<00:11:02.800> Studio<00:11:03.680> as<00:11:03.920> our<00:11:04.079> team<00:11:04.399> delivers<00:11:04.959> on<00:11:05.200> new 00:11:05.430 --> 00:11:05.440 align:start position:0% Claris Studio as our team delivers on new 00:11:05.440 --> 00:11:07.670 align:start position:0% Claris Studio as our team delivers on new features<00:11:06.000> and<00:11:06.160> we<00:11:06.399> drive<00:11:07.040> towards<00:11:07.519> an 00:11:07.670 --> 00:11:07.680 align:start position:0% features and we drive towards an 00:11:07.680 --> 00:11:14.230 align:start position:0% features and we drive towards an official<00:11:08.160> release 00:11:14.230 --> 00:11:14.240 align:start position:0% 00:11:14.240 --> 00:11:16.320 align:start position:0% you